
Monad Ventures Named as 2022 Best Early Stage Investor by CVINFO


5月30日,投中信息发布 2021 年度榜单,初心荣获 2021 年度中国最佳早期创业投资机构 TOP50。

作为“中国私募股权市场的风向标”,投中信息已经连续15年作为独立的第三方机构发布中国创业投资机构暨私募股权投资系列榜单。该榜单以严格的标准进行榜单划分,以专业、权威和严谨著称,因此又被称为国内股权投资行业的风向标,目前是诸多大型机构LP的重要出资依据。自2016年起,初心已连续多年获得“中国最佳早期创业投资机构 TOP 50”该项荣誉。


初心成立于 2015 年 6 月,是一家以科技与互联网为中心、积极布局新兴业态的早期股权投资基金,专注于企业级软件、科技创新等领域的投资,致力于捕捉因科技赋能而改变行业的新格局、企业服务降本增效优化企业新模式并进行投资布局。


今年,初心被投企业Cider获得中国互联网产业最佳投资案例 TOP 10。



A Conversation with Norah Tian from Monad Ventures

Be the first institutional investor.

Monad Ventures is an early-stage investment fund focusing on the technology and internet sector. Monad proactively invests in new markets, specializing in enterprise software and technological innovation, among other sectors. We want to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit as we embark on the startup journey side by side with founders; it is our hope to witness and accompany the next exponentially growing company and next-generation business leaders as they leverage technology to create a better world. Please leave your contact information to get in touch with us.